Burla Ece Ondes

Biography Simply Easy Learning

Mailing Address

Purdue University
Grissom Hall, 315 N. Grant St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Research Interests

Simulation/ Stochastic Optimization, Multi-Objective Optimization


Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Purdue University
Expected graduation: December, 2024
Advisor: Prof. Susan R. Hunter

M.S. Industrial Engineering, Purdue University

B.S. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida


[1] An upper bound on the Hausdorff distance between a Pareto set and its discretization in bi-objective convex quadratic optimization. Ondes, B. E.; and Hunter, S. R., Optimization Letters, 2022.
[2] Properties of several performance indicators for global multi-objective simulation optimization. Hunter, S. R.; and Ondes, B. E., Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, 2023.